Getting Started with Pair & Share

Pair & Share is a brand new feature that allows you to easily share Cellular connections back and forth between multiple Speedify users on the same local network. Each shared Cellular connection gives you up to another 10Mbps of bandwidth for your internet connection!

It works almost like a turbocharged personal hotspot, but instead of just one device sharing its connection with another, once paired, both devices can share and receive each other’s connections simultaneously. The more devices you pair with, the more connections you’ll have access to.

It's secure: traffic between devices is fully encrypted. You always maintain full control over which devices can do what - and can set permissions, limits, or unpair from other devices at any time.

Enable Pair & Share

Once you install Speedify and run the app for the first time, you will be asked to enable Pair & Share on one of the intro screens:

If you didn't enable Pair & Share in the intro screens, you can always enable (or disable) Pair & Share in the Speedify Settings by toggling on the Sharing and/or Receiving settings:

Pair & Share is Off with no Sharing or Receiving

Start by Pairing a Device

On the dashboard, if you have no paired devices, you can tap on "Start by Pairing a Device" and you will open the Pair & Share menu, or you can navigate to it from the Speedify settings accessible via the hamburger menu in the top left corner on the Speedify dashboard. From here, your device will automatically look for any new or already paired devices that are on the same local network.

Unpaired Devices

The devices listed here are the devices running Speedify that are all located on the same local network. You can tap on a device to send a pairing request and start using Pair & Share between the two.

Paired Devices

These are the devices that are already paired with your device. If they are still available (sharing on the same network) for Pair & Share, they will be colored in and your device should already be sharing and/or receiving from them. If the devices appear grayed out or "Unavailable" then they are most likely no longer on the same network as your other device, Speedify is connected on them, or they have Sharing/Receiving disabled in the settings.

Sharing and Receiving

Once you have devices paired on the same network, you can see Pair & Share working on the Speedify Dashboard under Paired Devices:

Each connection you add using Pair and Share is an additional boost of up to 10Mbps!