How do I manage users in Speedify for Teams?

Once you've signed up for Speedify for Teams, you can add and remove users from the Manage Users screen, at

  • Add Users

To add a new user when you have available seats, click the Add User button. You will be prompted to enter the name and email address for the user. The user will then be emailed an invitation to set their password and instructions on how to install the software and login.

Each user has a Role, which is one of the following:

  • User - A regular user, paid for by this team account, with unlimited Speedify usage and access to the team's Dedicated Speed Servers (if any).
  • Admin - A user with permission to use the Teams console to add and remove other users from the team. Be careful granting such power, as this kind user has complete control over the team. 
  • Guest - A user whose bill is not paid as part of this team, but to whom you want to grant Dedicated Speed Server access.

You can also add users in bulk via the "Add Users by CSV" button. If you select this option, you get a dialog which offers you the ability to download a sample CSV file. Select that option.

once the CSV file downloads, open it with a program such as Excel or a text editor.

You can see it is already filled in with some sample rows. Delete these rows and enter the email address, first name, and last name for each user you are adding. Save the file (if in Excel, make sure you keep the CSV format), return to your browser, and select the Choose File option to upload your file, then select Add Users by CSV. All of the users will be added to your team and sent invitations.

Add/Remove Seats

You can easily adjust the number of seats that you are currently paying for. If you have already assigned all of your user accounts, you can easily add more to your subscription by clicking the Add/Remove Seats button to add additional users to your monthly or yearly bill. Each time you adjust the number of seats, it generates a new billing event, including invoice emails. So if you plan to add a number of users who need additional seats, you should add the seats for them all at once and then add the users.

Removing Users

To remove a user, click the bin icon and then Ok to confirm. 

Checking Usage

On each user's row, there are several statistics:

  • Usage - How much data has the user sent and received during this month?
  • Date Added - When was user added to this team?
  • Role - Is the user a guest, a user, or an admin?