Settings: Session Settings

The Session settings can be accessed within the Settings menu by clicking on the ☰ icon on the main Dashboard.

Bonding Mode

Speedify defaults to Streaming Mode, but you can change to Redundant Mode or Speed mode instead. What's the difference?

  • Speed: Speedify intelligently distributes your web traffic amongst all available internet connections in order to deliver optimal speed and performance.
  • Redundant: Speedify will operate at the speed of the fastest single internet connection and use additional data in order to deliver an ultra-reliable connection. When using Redundant Mode, each packet gets sent simultaneously over multiple connections and whichever packet gets through first, is the one to be delivered. This mode uses more data and more battery, so most users are better off on Speed mode.
  • Enhance Streaming: an add-on to Speed mode, enabled by default, where Speedify maximizes the speed and reliability of your streaming traffic (video calls, audio calls, live streaming, etc.) by intelligently using both bonding and redundant traffic to get the best performance from your available internet connections. This mode can use extra data and battery to help deliver a better streaming experience.

Connect at Startup

This controls whether Speedify should start itself when your device starts. This will essentially keep you connected to Speedify at all times. If you wish to manually connect and disconnect, you can turn this setting off.

Transport Mode

This is an advanced setting, which we recommend leaving on "Auto" unless Customer Support has suggested that you try a different setting. It controls whether the connections to the Speed Server use the TCP, UDP, HTTPS, or TCP Multiple network protocol. We recommend leaving it on Auto.

Jumbo MTU

Jumbo MTU is a setting within Speedify that allows the app to accept much larger data packets into the Speedify Virtual Network Adapter. Speedify will run more efficiently and use less CPU when Jumbo MTU is enabled, resulting in higher speeds. 

The Jumbo MTU setting defaults to ON and most users should not have to change this setting. Currently, the setting is managed automatically by Speedify and can only be manually set by the user when running Speedify on a Windows computer. Some Windows users see problems with web pages not loading correctly or very slow performance when Jumbo MTU is enabled. If you are seeing these problems, try turning the Jumbo MTU setting OFF.

Port Forwarding

To use the Port Forwarding features of Speedify, you must have a Dedicated Server. You can purchase a Dedicated Server following these instructions.

Disconnect on Exit

The Disconnect on Exit option will allow you to disconnect to Speedify when closing the Speedify menu or UI.

Task Swipe

This feature will disconnect your internet when clearing Speedify from the Task List via swipe or Close All.