How do I use the Speedify for Teams API?

The Speedify for Teams API is used to query information and manage user accounts in your Speedify team. 

Common uses of the API include adding and removing users and checking which users are actively using Speedify. The API is a RESTful API that uses HTTP requests and provides responses in a JSON format and using HTTP status codes. 

The Speedify API uses API keys to authenticate and authorize requests. To make a key, log in to the Subscription management portal and click on Manage Team.

This page shows all of your keys with options to add more, using the blue plus sign or to revoke an existing key (caution this will make all programs using this key immediately start failing):

generate a key by clicking the blue + button on the right side of the table. Enter a description that will let you recognize what the key is used for and then click 'Generate Key' .

Caution: These keys must be kept safely, as they allow administrative access to your account. Do not check them into public source code repositories such as GitHub.

Once you have your hey, the Speedify for Teams API documentation explains how to use the API key.