Connection Priority and Is Speedify Cost Aware?

Yes! Speedify’s smart channel bonding technology allows you to set priorities and take into account the cost of each network connection. If you click on the little connection bubble, which represents your internet connection, you can set the Priority of each internet connection to let Speedify know how it should be used:

Here are the Priority settings:

  1. Automatic - Let Speedify manage the connection's priority.
  2. Primary - Speedify will always try to use this network when it is available. Recommended for internet connections that do not have data caps on them.
  3. Secondary - Only used when connections set to Primary are congested or unavailable. This setting is perfect if you want to use your 4G card or other costly internet connections only when they’re needed to help keep your connectivity smooth.
  4. Backup - Speedify will not use this network unless all the ALWAYS and SECONDARY networks are not available. This setting is good for very expensive connections, which should only be used in emergencies.
  5. Never - Speedify will never use this connection.

Please Note: connections via Pair & Share are set as Secondary priority by default and can be changed to Backup. Pair & Share connections cannot be set to Primary priority because Cellular data is expensive. and often limited, which is why they are also limited to up to 10 Mbps speeds.