How do I uninstall Speedify on Linux (Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi OS)?
To uninstall Speedify on Ubuntu or Raspberry Pi OS, simply run the command:
sudo apt remove speedify
This will remove both Speedify and if you installed it, the Speedify user interface.
If you don't plan to ever install Speedify again, you can remove the Speedify repository Server. This will stop tools like "Add/Remove Software", "apt" and "apt-get" from ever offering you a Speedify release again.
To remove the Speedify repository server, remove the connectify source list file:
rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/connectify.list
This will stop "apt" and related tools from offering or checking for Speedify releases in the future.
Uninstalling Speedify does not cancel a subscription account. If you wish to cancel your account you must do so.