How do I generate logs?

If you encounter a problem, that is not addressed in our support documentation, you can send logs to help our engineers debug and troubleshoot issues with the application.

To do this, tap the ☰ menu in the top left, then scroll down and tap Generate Logs.

Tapping "Generate Logs" should open up a form where you can enter your email address and describe the issue you are seeing.

Generating Logs with the command line - Linux and OpenWrt

If you use Speedify on Linux or OpenWrt with the command-line interface, you can run the commands below to generate a log file.

To automatically submit logs to Speedify, you can run:

/usr/share/speedify/ -s -e -m "Message about problem" -l /tmp/speedify-logs/

This command will generate the log files and e-mail them to Speedify's support system for you.

You can also generate a tar.gz file locally and then e-mail it manually by running:

/usr/share/speedify/ -l /tmp/speedify-logs/

If you are accessing the device over ssh, then you will need to use scp or some other method to transfer the tar.gz file from the device to a computer where you can send it.